Activity in Mathematics 0 - BSBA Basic Mathematics
These exercises should be done in two meetings during your scheduled time in Math 0.
Solve the following non-routine problems and submit to your class Mayor.
Figure 1: Problem 4 |
- Samuel went to the circus during the town fiesta. He saw 7 clowns. Some were riding on bicycles while others were on tricycles. He counted 16 wheels. How many bicycles were there? How many tricycles?
- A farmer makes a wire fence on a square lot of which each side is 6 meters long. If there will be a post every 2 meters, how many posts were used by the farmer? How long was the wire used in fencing the area?
- The teacher said to the 3 students, “I will blindfold you and place a mark on each of your foreheads. Each of you will either have a black or white mark. When I tell you to take your blindfolds off, you are to raise your hand if you see a black mark on the foreheads of either of the other applicants. Then the first one who correctly tells the color of your own mark wins the game.” All three students raised their hands at the same time. One of them however came up with the correct color of her own mark. What color is her mark, and how did she figure it out?
- In Figure 1, place the digits 1 to 9 in each square so that each of the diagonals adds to 26 and also the four corners add to 26. You can not repeat any digit.
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